About Us
Today’s Truth is a ministry of the body of Christ dedicated to faithful, practical teaching and service.
Teaching Ministry Goals:
- To spread the Word of God and to win souls for Jesus.
- To train, equip and support workers who are willing to fulfill the commission of Christ in Mt. 28:19, 20.
- To declare Today’s Truth, that is, the special truths that are of the utmost concern at this time.
- To help prepare people to be able to stand when the Lord shall be revealed at His soon return.
- To uphold the Word of God and to defend the faith once delivered to the Saints.
- To uphold righteousness and godliness and to stand in the gap and make up the breach in the body of Christ and the righteous law of God.
Our Key Areas of Focus
Evangelism & Foreign Missions
Gospel Resource Translation
Medical & EMS Missions
Biblical Education
Projects are conducted in multiple countries and are varied according to the current need. Mission work within some countries is often very challenging and we solicit your prayers for all the workers involved. We partner with local workers to minister to needs and spread the good news of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Would you consider giving today? If you have a specific interest you want to donate towards, such as Bible sponsorship, gospel worker support, translation sponsorship or medical support, simply contact us and we will be happy to appropriate the funds as specified. As always, all funds go to their designated project, 100%. Thank you for being a blessing! May God bless each one of you.